Application Process

To apply for this program, first consider - What is important to you?

What is important to you?
How do you demonstrate your impact?
To get a good idea of where your social impact spirit lies.

This Program is For You:

– If you are passionate about Africa and the SDGs
– Work in nonprofits of all sizes and sectors, as well as public sector leaders
– If you supervise staff and/or complex, multi-stakeholder activities
– Seek to develop, hone, and apply management and leadership skills
– If you are committed to your learning and learning with others’ in an inclusive environment
– If you are leading change and you are willing to put in the work
– If you are looking to grow your network and commit to this experience
– If you are ready to improve your skills and make a notable difference in the lives of your demography
– If you want to develop and diversify your leadership pipeline
– If you are looking to build your brand visibility 
– If you have greatness in you and want to push your limits

This Program is NOT For You

– If you procrastinate ALOT and may not be willing to put in the work
– If you are too busy and will not be able to attend the classes
– If you expect organizers to do everything for you
– If you don’t plan to actively engage in the group sessions
– If you are still comfortable with where you presently are
I am excited to announce that I have been selected among the 40 Female Entrepreneurs for the Future Females-Business School by the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub. I was also chosen as the best 40 YALI Alumni across Africa and National Winner of the 2021 Professor Yemi Osinbajo (The Vice President of Nigeria) Business Grant Competition, I was featured on New York Times Square by the NASDAQ . The GEDA program was a springboard for me, and it made me stand out in my understanding of the issues and uniquely positioned my project. Thank you, DFA.
Alero Thompson
Founder, Blue Sands Academy
Wonderful things start from little beginning. Before the GEDA SIBC, I was in a rut. The GEDA fellowship gave me clarity on how I should do my work. I recently got accepted into one of the biggest fellowships in sub-Saharan Africa and was announced a Cartier Fellow and won the 2022 WE Empower Pitch Competition by Vital Voices. This was such a life changing accelerator.
Dr. Yetunde Ayo-Oyalowo
Founder, Market Doctors

talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about how we can help you.